Wednesday, October 8, 2008

School Days Are Here Once More

Finally... They have arrived! :)

Last Thursday my dad came home with my first of three packages of my school materials. So the next day I started my first day of my senior year of high school. It feels so weird that in a year's time, I'll be starting college >.<>

On another note...

Another big step of my senior year has passed. Last week was a big one for me, what can I say? :) Aside from receiving my school materials, I also mailed my application for the college I'm planning and praying about going to. Instead of just handing it over to the mail guy at the post office, which I thought would be quite impersonal, hehe, I just bought the stamps I needed and dropped it down the mailbox myself :)

And aside from those "exciting" events in my life :).. It has been another good Wednesday night at church. Heard a good message from our youth director. Saw Danielle from Country Dreams, Dianne from Songs from the Heart, and met, in real life, my newest bloggy friend, Daddy's Girl! It was nice meeting you in real life, maybe we'll see each other again, next time, maybe longer than 2 mins ;D

Al together, it was a good night.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

How exciting that you got your books!! It sure was nice to meet you, too. I wish we could've had more time to talk...but you know how it is -- I'm only there every so often, so I'm seeing people right and left that I HAVE to talk to...sorry about that...but I hope to see you again sometime... Until then, I reckon we can just keep saying hi over the blogosphere! :D